This website is the Federal Government's central portal for issues involving sexual violence against children and adolescents.

Here you will find information about the office and work of the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (UBSKM), about protection and help offers, about prevention, research and investigation as well as materials that can be downloaded. For survivors, relatives, specialists, scientists, journalists and anyone who is interested in the issue.

“I am delighted that the federal government has expressed its confidence in me and has appointed me as the new Independent Commissioner. Sexualised violence is a daily reality for children and adolescents. We need strong networks and reliable help to protect the survivors. I look forward to working towards this as the Commissioner”.

Kerstin Claus
14 Portraits auf einer Fotowand mit dem Titel: Betroffenenrat

The survivors’ board

The survivors’ board advises the UBSKM with regard to its plans and projects and advocates in the interests of survivors of sexualised violence.

More about the Survivors’ Board

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