UBSKM's help and prevention services

Online training "What's wrong with Jaron?

The basic digital course, which was developed as part of the "School against Sexual Violence" initiative for protecting pupils from sexual abuse (Course I: Primary school, Course II: Secondary school), provides teachers with practical basic knowledge about sexual abuse based on everyday school situations and it gives them the confidence to act in child protection. The four-hour training course is recognised in all federal states.

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“Sexual Abuse Help” portal

The “Sexual Abuse Help” portal gives survivors, relatives and specialists quick access to help and advice. Anyone who is worried about a child or has questions about the issue can also find support here. A nationwide database guides users to suitable counselling centres, crisis services, psychotherapists or lawyers.

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Die Grafik zeigt eine stilisierte Ecke in einem Klassenzimmer in blau, in dem eine Schultafel steht. An der linken Wand steht "Wie gehen wir an, was alle angeht? Helfen Sie mit, Schülerinnen und Schüler vor sexuellem Missbrauch zu schützen." An der rechten Wand ist das weiße X der Initiative "Kein Raum für Missbrauch" mit dem entsprechenden Schriftzug im X zu sehen.

"School against sexual violence” specialist portal

"School against Sexual Violence" is an initiative and a specialist portal of the same name launched by the Independent Commissioner in 2016 in cooperation with the education authorities in the federal states. It provides schools with specific suggestions and support for further developing prevention concepts against sexual violence.

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Sexual Abuse Telephone Helpline

The “Sexual Abuse Telephone Helpline” (0800 22 55 530) is the contact point for survivors of sexual violence suffered during childhood and adolescence, for relatives and people from the children’s social environment, for specialists and for all interested parties. The helpline counsellors provide support for all questions about the issue, both anonymously and free-of-charge and online as well if desired.

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Die Grafik zeigt ein stilisiertes Klassenzimmer in grün, vor dessen linker Wand eine Chemie-Werkbank steht. An der linken Wand steht geschrieben: "Was muss geschehen, damit nichts geschieht? Um Kinder vor sexuellem Missbrauch schützen zu können, muss man wissen, wie. Mit einem Schutzkonzept geben Sie Missbrauch keinen Raum." An der rechten Wand ist das Logo der Initiative „Kein Raum für Missbrauch“ zu sehen, das weiße X mit entsprechendem Schriftzug darin.

“No room for abuse" initiative

The "No room for abuse” initiative, which has now been running since the beginning of 2013, aims to make all places and institutions where children and adolescents go every day safe for them. This can be achieved if schools, day-care centres, homes, sports clubs, clinics and church communities develop protective measures against abuse and integrate them into their everyday lives.

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Die Grafik zeigt in der linken Bildhälfte eine stilisierte Hand, die ein Mobiltelefon hält. Rechts daneben steht: "Hilfetelefon Sexueller Missbrauch 0800 22 55 530 anonym und kostenfrei", gefolgt von der Internetadresse

"Calling helps!” initiative

The "Calling helps!” initiative, which was launched in January 2020, aims to encourage people who are close to children to call the “Sexual Abuse Telephone Helpline if they are worried about a child or suspect abuse.

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Auf dem Foto ist ein Mädchen abgebildet, das vor einer Wand hockt, die Beine angewinkelt und umklammert, ihr Kopf ruht auf ihrem linken Knie, das Gesicht ist vom Betrachter abgewendet. In der linken unteren Bildecke befindet sich ein großes weißes X, in dessen Innenraum "Gemeinsam gegen Missbrauch" geschrieben steht.

“Never leave a child alone" initiative

The "Never leave a child alone” initiative, which was launched in 2020 during the first Corona lockdown, appeals to everyone to make use of or pass on offers of help when children and adolescents are at risk and to make this better known to everyone.

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Portal: Wissen-hilft-schü

This web portal provides information and materials about protecting children and adolescents from sexualised violence in the digital world. It is aimed at teachers, educators, caregivers and social workers because next to parents, they are most in demand when it comes to prevention and help.

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berta hotline

The berta telephone helpline (0800 30 50 750) counsellors provide support to anyone who is suffering or has suffered organised sexualised and ritual violence or is confronting it as a helper or a specialist - even in an acute crisis or an emergency.

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Web analysis / data collection

The Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues would like to continuously improve this website. For this purpose, your consent to the statistical collection of usage information is being requested. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time.