As part of the 2015 - 2018 nationwide monitoring process, the Independent Commissioner, in conjunction with the German Youth Institute, examined the development statuses of prevention concepts for use in institutions and organisations.
Research areas and methods
Between 2015 and 2018, a huge number of case studies and group discussions as well as broad quantitative surveys were conducted in the three areas of education and upbringing (this included schools, day care centres, homes and assisted living facilities as well as boarding schools), leisure (this included religious life as well as children's and adolescent work) and health (included here were clinics and practices). "You are being asked!", a free self-evaluation tool was also developed to enable institutions and organisations to survey adolescents online.
The monitoring findings showed how institutions and organisations implement protection and help in the event of sexual violence. The comprehensive final report also provides an overview of factors that both obstruct or promote the development of a prevention concept.
Positive developments towards improved protection against sexual violence can be seen in all of the areas that were monitored. However, institutions with a comprehensive prevention concept - depending on the field of action - are clearly in the minority or hardly exist at all.
"Implementing prevention concepts means having a personnel framework, creating support structures and promoting a systematic approach within the institution".