Das Foto zeigt ein Gruppenbild von Teilnehmenden des Kongresses "MitSprache" im Jahr 2018. Die Personen präsentieren Schilder und Plakate, auf die sie Botschaften geschrieben haben.

2018 MitSprache Congress

The world's largest congress held by and for survivors of all child sexual abuse contexts was held in Berlin on the 14th and 15th of September 2018.

"Strong together - together strong": The second MitSprache Congress was held in Berlin on the 14th and 15th of September 2018 under this slogan. The event was hosted by the members of the UBSKM survivors’ board.

Direct exchange areas were created during the two-day congress in which the survivors could exchange their experiences and knowledge. Workshops and panels were held to discuss the main topics of the congress: protection, help, inquiries and questions relating to sexualised violence.

The two-day event was opened with a welcoming speech that was given by Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, the then Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues. Franziska Giffey, the then Federal Minister for Family Affairs, also attended the congress. In her greeting, she thanked the survivors’ board for its work and promised to continue supporting the fight against abuse.

Das Foto zeigt die damalige Bundesfamilienministerin Franziska Giffey, wie sie auf dem MitSprache Kongress vom Podium aus eine Ansprache hält. Auf dem Redepult steht "MitSprache" und darunter das Motto des Kongresses "Stronger together – gemeinsam stark".

Greetings by Franziska Giffey, who was then the Federal Minister for Family Affairs

Das Foto zeigt den Unabhängigen Beauftragten Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, wie er auf dem MitSprache Kongress vom Podium aus eine Ansprache hält. Auf dem Redepult steht "MitSprache" und darunter das Motto des Kongresses "Stronger together – gemeinsam stark".

Greetings from Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig, the then Independent Commissioner

International exchanging of knowledge and experiences

More than 250 participants exchanged their experiences and knowledge in panels and workshops and political decisions and processes were critically examined and specific demands were also prepared for politicians. Current issues, such as coming to terms with abuse within the Catholic Church, were discussed as well as sexual abuse in GDR homes, in sports and in the sciences. Reforming the Victims Compensation Law, prevention possibilities, strengthening specialised counselling, creating shelters for survivors of ritual violence and better criminal law procedural processes as well as research issues were further focal points.

Auf dem Foto sind Teilnehmer:innen eines Workshops zum Opferentschädigungsgesetz am 14.09.2021 im Rahmen des MitSprache Kongresses zu sehen. Sie sitzen in U-Form in einem Seminarraum, an dessen Stirnseite drei Referierende stehen. Hinter ihnen wird eine Folie an die Wand projiziert, rechts neben ihnen steht ein Flipchart mit Notizen.

A workshop on the Victims Compensation Law that was held on the 14th September 2021

An event that featured exhibits submitted by survivors also highlighted various forms of artistic conflicts with their experiences. Another objective of this congress was to create global networking and initiative exchanges by the survivors.

Congress participants in their own words

Guests from twelve countries participated:

"It was very important for me to come here because I would like to share what I have gone through as a survivor of sexual abuse with others who have also been abused. I want to hear from others what they are doing to help people like me”. - Susan Serficao (Philippines)

"It is heartening to meet all of the activists, experts and social workers here who are advocating for us around the world. By the way, we are not talking just about survivors here, but simply inclusive of us. The congress gives you strength and the feeling of fighting together to combat sexual abuse”. – Hilal Esmer (Turkey)

"This is why we are gathered here, as one community fighting for justice. That's why I'm here, that's why we're all here: to share the word justice with the rest of the world”. - Peter Isely (USA)

2016 MitSprache Congress

The first MitSprache Congress was held in November 2016 and it was also the first public event held by the Survivors´ Board. Prevention, help and coming-to-terms with the past issues were important focal points in addition to the discussions, exchanges and networking.



The magazine CONCERNS: EVERYONE by the survivors’ board was presented at the congress. In it, the members of the survivors’ board describe their personal commitment, their joint work and their concerns and their demands towards politicians and society in various articles.

Click here to download the magazine.

Further information about the congress can be found in the press kit.

[Translate to English:] Magazin BETRIFFT: Alle

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2018 MitSprache Congress
Dauer: 14:17

The first MitSprache Congress was held on the 18th and 19th of November 2016. You can download the results of the MitSprache Congress workshops here.


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