Das Foto zeigt 36 Mitglieder des Nationalen Rats gegen sexuelle Gewalt an Kinder und Jugendlichen beim gemeinsamen Fototermin anlässlich einer Sitzung. Die Vertreter:innen stehen vor einer weißen Fotowand des Nationalen Rats.


The UBSKM Office relies on strong cooperation with partner structures in order to be able to implement its assigned tasks. They include the Survivors’ Council, the National Council against Sexual Violence Committed against Children and Adolescents and the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany.

Survivors’ council 

UBSKM’s work has been supported by a survivors’ council since the spring of 2015. It participates in UBSKM’s political and specialist activities in a continuous and structured way. On the 4th June 2020, the then Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Franziska Giffey, appointed the 18 members of the second survivors’ council at UBSKM for a period of five years. 

14 Portraits auf einer Fotowand mit dem Titel: Betroffenenrat

National Council against Sexual Violence Committed against Children and Adolescents 

In December 2019, UBSKM and the then Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Franziska Giffey, jointly launched the "National Council against Sexual Violence Committed against Children and Adolescents". The National Council is the forum for long-term and interdisciplinary dialogue between representatives from civil society, politics, science as well as professional practice and survivors. The council’s objective is to permanently counteract sexual violence against children and adolescents and its consequences. 

Das Foto zeigt 36 Mitglieder des Nationalen Rats gegen sexuelle Gewalt an Kinder und Jugendlichen beim gemeinsamen Fototermin anlässlich einer Sitzung. Die Vertreter:innen stehen vor einer weißen Fotowand des Nationalen Rats.

By June 2021, the members of the National Council had developed their objectives and specific implementation stages in their "Common understanding", which should result in lasting improvements in prevention, intervention and assistance as well as in researching sexual violence against children and adolescents. 

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany

The Independent Inquiry Commission has been investigating abuse in institutions and in the family context in Germany since the spring of 2016. With its work, the commission pursues the aim of revealing the extent, nature and consequences of sexual violence against children and adolescents. It aims to uncover the structures that enabled sexualised violence to be committed against children and adolescents in the past and to reappraise its prevention. The focus of its work and central source of its knowledge are nationwide confidential survivor hearings, public hearings as well as its own research projects.  

Auf dem Foto sehen wir die Mitglieder der Unabhängige Kommission zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs nebeneinander in einem lichtdurchfluteten Büroflur stehend. Alle sieben schauen in die Kamera.

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